I was gifted with an awesome new blog today, so I've moved on over to here! :
http://www.skwerlicious.com/blog/ (omg she made the link say "skwerlicious!" LOLOL!)
Come check it out, I am so in love with it!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I've moved!
Posted by Nett (Lady_Grundlefunk) at 3:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
All aboard the blog train!
To Celebrate the opening of Studio Ellie at Scrapbookgraphics today, Monica and Ellie have made a new collab together called Bubblicious!
Both Monica and Ellie's CTs have joined forces to make you all some rockin' Quick Pages from Bubblicious! Each one of us will be bringing you our page, and linking you to the next stop on the train ride WOOO WOOO! Before I give you mine, I want to remind you all that Studio mgl is still 50% off, and with ONLY a $15 purchase you get the amazing kit Strange Days FOR FREE!
Isn't that an offer you can't refuse LOL?! Studio Flergs is 50% off her entire store all weekend,
and Studio Ellie is also having a 50% off sale all weekend in celebration of it's opening.
Today also marks the Grand Opening of Studio Ziska!!!
Wheeeeee!! I'm SO excited about that! As you can see, her new store will also be 50% off Sat and Sun!! If you're as big of a fan of Ziska's designs as I am, you might want her new fan blinkie to sport! I made this using her new collab with Megs, aka Studio Flergs called Sugar Rush!
Alright, since I'm throwing out reminders, don't forget that Sugarplum Paperie celebrates it's 1 year anniversary today with a ginormous sale so get over there and shop til ya drop!
Last but definitely not least, Kim's still having her Birthday Bash and has 2 amazing Grab Bags for you to choose from during the bash LOL! You can choose to buy the bundle and when you do, not only do you get a discount... you get a 30 page Brag Book made by her CT FOR FREE! Awesome huh!?!
Ok, NOW it's time for your Blog Train FREEBIE! Here's a Quick Page made by yours truly. Click on the pic to go and grab it!
Hope you enjoy the page as much as we did putting this all together for you! What a blast! Big thanks to Melanie though, it was all her idea ;) Next up on your train ride is Teri's Blog! Run on over and check out what she's got for you! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
ETA: I wanted to go ahead and post ALL of the blog links that are participating in the train, just in case you get stuck along the way.
Mon's Team:
Oriana's blog: www.spanglishhh.blogspot.com
Dani's blog: http://danisdelusions.blogspot.com/
Debbie's blog: http://www.debbiewright.blogspot.com/
Kerry'sblog: http://www.lifeuncropped.blogspot.com/
Nett's blog: http://ladygrundlefunksblog.blogspot.com
Teri's blog: http://teri-scrappingmylife.blogspot.com/
Melissa's blog: http://mokely.spaces.live.com/
Ellie's Team:
Melanie's blog: http://pixiekeepsakes.com
Tracy's blog: http://trixiescraps.blogspot.com/
Lisa's blog: http://kandykanekreations.blogspot.com/
Lori's blog: http://www.scripityscrap.blogspot.com/
Mandi's blog: http://www.mandanickell.blogspot.com/
Jen's blog: http://tomandjen04.blogspot.com/
Posted by Nett (Lady_Grundlefunk) at 12:16 AM 3 comments