Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lazy me!

Wow, has it really been over a week since I've posted anything?! What a slacker! Well, I haven't had too much going on... I've been relaxing a lot and not around here as much because hubby ended up with a few surprise days off! WOOOOO! We didn't do anything worth talking about, but it was so much fun getting to have him home :D We miss him when our normal schedule is in rotation!

He freaked me out though and it's been hard to look him in the face LOL, he accidentally shaved his mustache off! EEEEEKKKK!!! It's been a few days and is growing back, but he just doesn't look like himself and it's such a drastic change LOL. The night he did it I just kept running away from him screeching LOL... and of course the kids followed suit LMAO! It was kinda like having the "Nightmare Forest" inside together!! I love how stupid things like that are still so much fun to us... here's to hoping we never grow up!!

Well, I have been working a lot on LOs from an awesome new collab, but you can't really tell by looking at my gallery!!! Did you see the banner under my header? YES! Monica and Flergs are doing another collab together!! I'm sure no one can forget how AMAZING What Dreams May Come is, and I promise you this one is just as amazing!!! It comes out September 1st to celebrate STUDIO MGL!! Yes, Mon's moving on up LOL... to!!! She has a few other surprises up her sleeves for her big day as well... I will keep you informed when the boss says so! :D

I have a few LOs that I did get to put in my gallery... here's my all time favorite LO I've ever made of Izzy:

Oh I just love that face! He's getting so big and growing up so fast. I weeped like a silly sappy Mommy the whole time I tried to scrap that page LOL. You can click on it for credits so you can see what each product is from... but the easiest thing to do is just go to Nicole's LOL. Everything except the string is from her :D Love me some Nicole! Check out her blog HERE and her store at The DigiChick HERE! Oh, just a reminder too... if you want to get your hands on her Grab Bag for August you better hurry!

Guess what we'll be doing at the Sugarplum Paperie blog starting this week on every Friday? Oh, I hate guessing... I'll spill it! CT Challenges YAY!!! It sounds like so much fun, I can't wait to start! I will be hosting one the week before Halloween (seems appropriate right!?) and Crystal will be the lucky girl kicking it off THIS Friday! You have to make sure you join us, we have such a great time together and I can't wait to have more people join in on our fun!

I also got to dig my hands back into Dusk Till Dawn from Studio Flergs... I love it more each time I look at it. Not to sound like I'm kissing her a$$ or anything lol, it's just painfully obvious Megs has been my fav designer since I found digi scrapping! I'm a bit of a Flergaholic :D. Being on her team is just insanely awesome to me, and my husband is happy because the money doesn't disappear mysteriously from my paypal whenever she has a new kit come out LOL! I got to scrap another of my favorite pics this week with it. Not of my munchkins for once, but of a little girl I love just as much as my own! This is my very good friend Marci's kiddo Maelle!! LOVE HER!!! Isn't that THE most perfect photo of a 1 year old? It's from last October right around the time both of our girls turned 1!

Ooooh I just want to squeeze her LOL.

Ok, I'm done for now... but as always there will be new releases and secrets to reveal so I promise it wont be this long again before I come back :D Hope you all have a good one!


Kristine said...

Hiya beautiful!!! Love the LO's girl...then again you have so much talent it's oozing our your azz.........

Love ya darlin'!!


Anonymous said...

I think you should change the name of your blog to "Nett's Enabling Extravaganza!" It's dangerous to come here. Good thing I have access to the same CTs you are on, or my PayPal would have a "leak" in it too...