Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Let's get this blog kickin' again!

Well, let's try this whole "I'm back" thing again LOL!  I have tried to blog... I've had good intentions... but it just hasn't happened!  O-well, let's see if we can slowly start to catch up.  I'll go for shorter posts more often now, how does that sound LOL.  After that last one I probably could've taken another month to myself... it was friggin' HUGE!  I have so much stuff piled up from the past few weeks to show you that I think I'll prob just keep things scrap related today.  I'm still not to chatty about home and family at this point.  Been a really hard month.  Anyway... on with the fun stuff!  This is a BIG week for Kim, so much going on with her!  First this week she hit 1 MILLION HITS on her blog!  How awesome is that!?  She was so grateful and appreciative of all of her fans that she did what she does best... she went above and beyond with her generosity and made a gorgeous freebie kit for you as a thank you!  Just click HERE and go to her posts for October 27th & 28 to get part 1 and part 2 of her gift! 

Now in those FREEBIES you will find a special coupon gift extra for you to use today (Wednesday) on top of the 45% SALE (read more about that down just a little further lol)- so don't miss it ;-) *just a note,  this coupon will not work on the GRAB BAGS*- and OMG yes I said BAGS!!!  She's going crazy again LOLOL.  Remember how hard we partied on her anniversary?!  Well get ready because starting today we're having Kim's BIRTHDAY BASH!!!  This woman LOVES TO CELEBRATE!  One of the things about her that I LOVE and why I love to be around her!!  She's so full of life and happiness that she makes me feel better even when she's telling me to get off my ass and get to WORK :D!  LOL!  Starting Wednesday October 29th and going through Tuesday November 4th,  she's having a giant 45% off sale of her entire store!  BUT keep an eye on her blog because as we all know Kim... she'll be loading us up on all kinds of goodies to keep the party going! 

I've got some previews of the Grab Bags she's made for the BIRTHDAY BASH too, let me show ya!

First up is the CU Bag:CU Bag

I am no designer, but I swear to you her Commercial Use products compare to no other!  She is awesome and her work is such amazing quality!  I have so much fun every month when Grab Bag time rolls around, just because I'm not a designer doesn't mean I can't play like one right?!  Oh and a little birdie told me that Kim just might have a CU freebie on her BLOG today just for you! ;) 

Next up is the Personal Use Bag:Personal Use Bag

This is just beautiful this month as well, she has really outdone herself I'm telling you!

As she likes to do, she offers you an even BIGGER value if you want BOTH bags... She puts it all together in an awesome bundle!Birthday Bundle

How can you beat that?  Save a buck AND get a 30 PAGE BRAG BOOK made by her killer CT (not biased at all I swear!) for FREE!  Told ya she rocks!!  I have a few LOs to show you from the Grab Bag goodies... but since it's been so long since I've blogged, I was thinking that I'll show you her kit that came out LAST week and a few LOs I've made with goodies from that kit and another instead!  THEN tomorrow I'll be back and show off my Grab Bag LOs :D  Keep you in suspense... I'm just mean huh!?!  

This is a LO made from her latest released kit called Loryn, one that I loved and will definitely be going back to again and again!  This isn't a typical me LO, but at the time it's what I had in me and what I needed to scrap about...Pray

I love those colors together!  Seriously just an awesome kit... one of my new favs.  Just Because still is reigning champ for me though LOL... LOVE that kit!

I also stole some pics of my friend Crystal's baby girl Stella and scrapped her a couple of times lately :D  Crystal swears she can't extract... I don't believe her (she's awesome at everything!) so I happily snuck in, jacked her baby pics, and had some fun with Stella!  The first one I did was with Kim and Bunny's collab I Believe:


Wheeee I love that one, it was so much fun!  I have another that I'll show you next time too.. in that one you get to actually see this little cutie's AMAZING chubby cheeks LOL.  She's such a doll!

Ok, I think I'm going to call it quits now and not overload you again!  I have so much to get caught up with on here too LOL.  Oh!  One more thing that I do want to mention before I get out of here though... This week is MY week to host the weekly CT Challenge on the Sugarplum Paperie Blog!!!  WOOOO HOOOOO!  What a blast!  You should totally come over and play with us!  I tried to make it a fun one... kind of a "scrap what scares the bejezus out of you!" challenge LOLOL!  Read about it and play along HERE!  This was my entry for the challenge ;)Eeek!

LOL, the story behind the LO is a good one... that's also on the SP blog if you want something to laugh at me about LOL!  Look at Goo too, that poor kid is so much like me it's scary in itself!  She gets more like me everyday too... which totally tells me in a few years I'll be completely screwed because I was/ STILL AM a brat LOLOL!  Between you and me though... I love it because there's not much of a girly girl inside this nut writing to you!  If I had to fake that again it would probably kill me!  I still have VIVID memories of trying to play Barbie's with Lexi (when she was about 4) just to have her pat me on the shoulder with a serious face and say "It's OK Nettie, you tried your best!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Thank God for her that her Mom is just as girly as she is LOL, she'd be one bummed out kid if she wasn't!!!  Ok, that's it for me for real this time!  Hope you all have an awesome day and thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

Just had to stop by your blog and tell you that I LOVE those layouts! They are all great!!

Kim B said...

Nett girl- GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME! that's one hell of a PIMP post- hahahaha.
LOVE those LO's gf- and uhum, I never was much of a girly girl either- I had scateboards, roller skates( oh Lordy- giving away my age now)- and bikes etc when all my friends played BARBIE- hee hee.

You got a STRAW for me???- sheee's just got back from the dentist- but MAN did he do a good job on the injection bit- I could have my tongue pierced now and it would be a BREEZE- lol, I have to check my chin for DROOL every few minutes- hee hee.
Chat tomorrow

By Dezign said...

Oh Nett you crack me up. Apart from Kim's daily posts, I haven't enjoyed a post as much as this one in ages. Just spreading some Luuuuuurrrrvvveee