Friday, September 19, 2008

Phew! The weekend!

Oh I don't know where to start, it's been too long again since I've posted. I planned on posting many times during the week, but just couldn't get to it! We all got sick and that has made it a lot harder to function than usual. Izzy started school too, they cancelled the first 2 days of the week due to power outages from the storm. That was actually a blessing in disguise though because it gave us another day or two of taking it easy so we could get better faster. For some reason I'm the only one that can't kick this nasty bug. Probably because I don't ever get to rest or just get babied due to the fact that it's my job to take care of them LOL. Gotta love it! I will say though, DH tries his hardest to baby me and let me rest. It's not his fault at all, it's just impossible to sleep in a zoo LOL. Well it looks like school took off wonderfully with Izzy, he's having so much fun and is so happy! YAY! He needed the interaction with other kids so much, I'm so relieved that he likes it. He just plowed right into the place too, no holding back! It was so cute, he walks in and up to a group of kids and you hear over and over "Hi, my name is Isaac what's your name?" I don't think any of the kids even had a chance to reply before he was asking the next one LOL! I just love him! Monday is his birthday, I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I still feel like he's my baby too... I have some serious big boy denial! I can't get used to the idea of him being 5. WOW... and Reagan being 2 in a few weeks too?! OMG, I really can't wrap my mind around it! This weekend we're going to make some fun plans to make some treats for his class for Monday! I am nervous to see what he has in that little mind of his after last years hideous cake LOL!! No way am I taking something like that to school LOL. Last year he asked me to make a chocolate cake, with green frosting, green Jell-O, chocolate pudding, and teddy grahams! LOLOL! I did it too, and it looked so nasty. Oddly enough though it was really good and was eaten by most instead of the store bought cake we grabbed out of embarrassment on the way there LOL. I made little jell-o volacanos, with pudding lava, and the poor unfortunate teddy grahams were being whisked away by the rivers of lava LOLOL... totally redonkulous! Seriously, look at this thing...

I'm a baker/cake decorator outside of my little digiscrap world here... and I tell ya that was the most interesting thing I've made to date LOL!

I've been trying to scrap my heart out while he's been in school. DH is home during the day so he hangs out with Goo and let's me have time to get some stuff done. Which hopefully will get me caught up soon! Being sick put an already behind Nett, all the way to the back of the class LOL. Lookie what I've been scrapping with though, squeeeeeeeeeee! First I started with Monica's newest Kiss and Tell! OMG the colors in this kit just knock me down! Here's the preview in case you haven't seen it yet...

Image is linked in case you're like me and just HAVE to get it the moment you see it LOL! It's really awesome, you're gonna love it I promise! This is the first LO I've made with it, but I've got a few others in the works still (like always lol).

aaaaaaaaaaand since she's the awesome skwerl that she is, she's got this fabulous freebie just for you on her blog!!! Click on the preview to go and grab it!

Then next came another HUGE HUGE HUGE kick ass product... or should I say productS. Huge as in, almost 800mb of Flergalicious delisciousness in the form of a Grab Bag FOR ONLY $4!!! Can you believe that?! It's like $27 worth of product in her new grab bag and she's letting you grab it until midnight on the 21st for ONLY $4! WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO I love that girly! She's even so awesome that she gives you a sneak peek inside so you know just what a deal you're getting (and so you know you CAN'T live without it all :D)!

This was so much fun to play with too! I have 2 LOs finished with it already LOL, I'm only going to show you one because I haven't quite finished up the journaling (journaling is EVIL and it hates me!) on the second one yet! Here's the first one though!

She also had another new kit come out earlier in the week that was just beautiful! It is a collab with Birgit Kerr, and is called Autumn Glory.

For this one I HAD to once again sneak into my friend Marci's stash of pics. Last year she took the most amazing pictures of her daughter Maelle in the fall (which you've already seen an example of a few posts down LOL.) and I just needed an excuse to scrap them! This kit was perfect for them.

Isn't she just the cutest and sweetest thing!? I'm so glad I have Marci to run to for those sweet baby girl pics since Goo doesn't like to give me too many of those moments LMAO!! I have another one with Maelle for another new surprise by Megs that is coming out NEXT Friday... and that one is a killer too!!

Next up is another HUGE event... one that I probably should give it's own damn post! LOL, it's insane and I spent this whole week chasing after Kim like a puppy trying to keep up with her! I'm serious, she worked it and worked it HARD LOL! This month Kim (whom I LOVE dearly!!) and her wonderful hubby Wayne will celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary!!! YAY!! Congrats you two!!! So to share the party with you she has come up with a really fun way to do her grab bag this month! She has made 5 bags, she's releasing them today (the 19th lol) and EACH bag has 19 CU products in it!! You can buy each individually, OR buy the whole bundle that is valued at $143 for only... (here's where she goes a little whacko...) $19!!! Keep in mind though, that the BUNDLE will only be up at that price for a LIMITED time only! Wanna see a peek inside? Get ready for the preview train LOLOL!

Can you believe how much CU stuff she made for these?!!? Insane!!! Even though it took almost a full week JUST to download all of this, LOL... I STILL managed to dig through it and play away with it! Here's a fun LO I made with a bunch of goodies from a bunch of different bags!

Well this has been one long post! I'm exausted and am ready for a fun Friday night with my kiddos! Hopefully I'll be able to get back here again tomorrow to show you some more LOs that I've had to keep a secret for now :D As always, those sneaky designers are good with the secrets! Have a great night!


Being Mrs Miles said...

ok Nett, your cake really really was ugly. No doubt about it. BUT you baked your way into a boy's heart and thats more important than ANYTHING. I admire your guff!

I'da eaten a piece of it out of sheer admiration.

Wowzers, you're one busy busy lady - hard to keep track of all you've been doing! Just exhausting.

Your kits and giveaway are gorgeous. Thanks for your generosity!


Kim B said...

HOLEY MOLEY- UHUM?- what the hell is that- ROTFLMBO!! is that a CAKE?- BWAHAHAHAHA,
Sorry girl you have me in stitches here- but I'm with Mrs.Miles, I would have had a piece just cuase it looked so INSANE- lol

thanks for the mention GF- and loves ya madly too-